Earn Your Leisure

How to Make a Fortune Wholesaling Real Estate with Max Maxwell

Wholesaling is a fascinating part of real estate that not many people are very knowledgeable in. You can make huge profits wholesaling real estate and you don't need any money to start, you don’t need a real estate license, and you don't need years of experience. What you do need is a strong work ethic, knowledge, and a game plan.

For months our Earners have been asking us to cover wholesaling and they have overwhelmingly asked for one guest to talk about it. The undisputed wholesaling champ Max Maxwell. It took a while but we got it done.

Max is as big as it gets when it comes to teaching about wholesaling. He has built a community of over 400,000 people between Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Outside of social media, he runs a business empire that will gross over $7,000,000 this year.

What makes his story remarkable is where he started. Three years ago his bank account was overdrawn by $438. Today he employs 18 people and just closed on 8,000 square feet of office space. He is a serial entrepreneur and operates several businesses, but wholesaling is what got him off the ground and has remained a major focus in his business plan.

In episode 50 he broke down everything you need to know to get started wholesaling real estate. He explained the ins and outs of the game, he went into detail about how to master a market and he provided industry insider tips. If you’re interested in making money in real estate without having to start with much capital this is not an episode you can afford to miss.